Family Sign Language Classes
The Oklahoma School for the Deaf offers free virtual sign language classes for families who receive services from OSD.
For Families receiving OSD Services:
Classes are held through Google Meets beginning Monday February 27, 2023 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm for 8 weeks.
Once a family registers, a link will be sent to your email.
Classes are free and are for families receiving OSD services. To register please email ??
For individuals who do not receive services from OSD:
If you are interested in our Free ASL Classes but do not have a child receiving OSD Services, you can sign up for our Online Pre-Recorded ASL Community Classes.
To register just visit to create and account and enroll in our courses!
Although courses are free, we do ask that you consider donating to the OSD Foundation.
To do so, click here!
For questions or more information on these classes, please contact
Providing statewide services to families and children who are deaf or hard of hearing children through the Department of Family and Early Childhood Services.